Outline the Setup for Supplier Price Books
- Activate the Price Book.
Click File -> Activate Pricebooks - Choose the name of the Price Book and enter the Activation Code as supplied by Synergy
- Click Active
Click OK
- Choose Company/Setup and Click on Supplier Price Book Import
- Setup the Price Book to import. Note: If a price book has already had setup completed there will be a tick in the setup box, you can still alter the setup.
- Click on Edit and setup the details below.
When completed all the fields it will look as below:
Click Save
- Now you are ready to import the price book.
- Now you are ready to import the price book.
The buttons along the bottom will allow you to choose to do one of the following:
- Update the prices only
- Update the prices and any items created
- Update all the products from the price book into your system (not recommended)
- Select the file to Import. NOTE: When using XL the file it MUST be a 95 workbook.
- Select the file to Import. NOTE: When using XL the file it MUST be a 95 workbook.
Once imported you will get a message to advise that the Items have been imported. Click OK to clear the message
You can view the price book from this screen. Click view
- You can import products directly from this screen, click the Create Button. If the product has been imported it will have a tick in the Imported column on the far right.
Click Save and the Product is created in your system.
Once installed you can gain access to the price books using F10. The example below is on creation of a purchase order. The Select a Supplier Price book will show those available in your system. Once selected you will have the entire list of stock and prices. You can choose when you setup a price book to import the ones you use on a regular basis and update their costs each time you get a new update or leave them all in the price book.