If a you put a sale on Hold in Pumplink/POSLink then Resume the sale, it is removed entirely from the Held Sales list. So if the PC crashes or restarts at this time without the sale being cancelled or finalised, the transaction will be lost and you will need to manually recreate the transaction.

To further complicate this issue, when a fuel sale is Held it is cleared from the pump controller in a similar way that they are cleared when a sale is finalised, so as far as the pump controller is concerned, it is a finalised pump transaction. 

As such, if the sale is lost as described above, the only recourse is to manually recreate the transaction by adding the fuel into the transaction by selecting the correct fuel type from their product list and adjusting the qty and price to the original transaction.

Processing a manual fuel transaction is outlined in the following KB:

[Synergy] Synergy POSLink / PumpLink - Manual Fuel Sale / Fuel Calculator

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