Common fix for an issue causing the Synergy Help to have blank pages

This issue is caused by Microsoft Windows blocking the content of the "Synergyhelp_2010.chm" help file as a security precaution.

To re-enable the content you will need to do the following:

  • Go to your Synergy program folder.
    • Usually, this is C:\Synergy or C:\Autoshop, however, you can check the program path by clicking 'Help' then 'About Synergy' in your Synergy program and confirming the 'program path':

  • In the Synergy program folder right-click the "Synergyhelp_2010.chm" file and select Properties 
  • In the Synergyhelp_2020 Properties window that displays, click the ‘Unblock’ button as shown below


Now if you completely close Synergy (and any open "Synergy Help" windows) then restart the program your Help should now work as expected.