Synergy Update


Build 387


Customer Release Notes



Release Date: 15/11/2022

This is an older update, for the latest update, see: Build 389






This document is for the use of licensed users of Synergy applications only.



This update is only available to customers on a current Support & Maintenance Plan (SMP) or Synergy Software Rental. If you wish to enquire about gaining access to these updates please contact [email protected]

IMPORTANT: For instructions on how to install Synergy updates, including important warnings and best practise, please see the Update Installation instructions here.

Minimum System Requirements


Please see [Synergy] System Requirements / Minimum Specs for the minimum system requirements of Synergy applications.

New Features and Enhancements


This update includes Booking Diary B23 - POSLink/PumpLink Build 18.50Seed Dressing B99


Highlighted Enhancements




POS Audit Trail Report Added to Back Office


To find this new report go to Marketing/Reports > Point of Sales > POS Audit Trail Report




Note: This report only includes transactions that have already been posted to back-office following a close-shift / 'update back office' procedure from POS/PumpLink.


Accounts Receivable  


Copy an Invoice to a Quote


Save time creating quotes for similar work, by copying the content of a previous invoice into a New Quote. This is done by viewing a closed invoice and clicking the new “Create Quote” button:


Reminder Emails - Display Rego and Due Date


Reminders sent by email will now display the rego number and the due date of the reminder in the email subject line (previously it would just display the date the reminder was sent).



Improved Searching by Phone Number


Searching for clients by phone number has been improved to search the mobile number field more effectively. The new routine will match the phone number even if there are additional spaces, hyphens or brackets in the search terms or in the mobile number field.


Accounts Payable  


Duplicate a Suppliers Invoice


Similar to the function in Accounts Receivable where you can duplicate a closed invoice, to quickly recreate a new invoice with the same content, we have now replicated this feature for Accounts Payable.


Simply view the Closed Invoice that you wish to duplicate and click the new Duplicate Inv button:


See the full Detailed Enhancement List on the following page




Detailed Enhancement List


Issue key




Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Invoices can now be duplicated (similar to the duplicate invoice function in Accounts Receivable) by viewing a closed invoice and clicking the Duplicate button.


Accounts Receivable

You can now copy the content of a closed invoice into a new quote using the new Create Quote button displayed when viewing a closed invoice.


Accounts Receivable

Reminders sent by email will now display the rego number and the due date of the reminder in the email subject line (previously it would just display the date the reminder was sent).


Accounts Receivable

When emailing Draft Invoices, the invoice number will now be included in the email subject line, if the setup option Company/Setup > Accounts Receivable > Configure Module > General Settings > Pre-allocate Invoice Numbers is ticked.


Accounts Receivable

Insurance excess fees applied to insurance work will now allow decimal places in the excess amount.


Accounts Receivable

Searching for clients by phone number has been improved to search the mobile number field more effectively. The new routine will match the phone number even if there are additional spaces, hyphens or brackets in the search terms or in the mobile number field. 


Auto Shop

Improvements made to the SMS reminder process to reduce possible sending failures.


Booking Diary

Client ID and Job No added to Day Planner for non-AutoShop-based systems



The Transfer Funds feature of Cashbook can now be added to the Toolbar shortcuts and can be found directly in the Tasks section of the Cashbook module.


Marketing / Reports

The POS Audit Trail Report is now available in back-office (Marketing / Reports > Point of Sales). Please note, data will only be available for this report when it has been posted to back-office using the Update Back Office function or when closing a Shift from POSLink / PumpLink.


POS Analysed Purchase Addon

Added New Analysed Purchase Code "71 - Disallowed Product"


POSLink / PumpLink

Logo/icon and naming convention updates for MyChallenge addon


POSLink / PumpLink

Fuel Discount Vouchers can now be processed in POSLink (previously limited to PumpLink).


POSLink / PumpLink

Adjustments to the FuelUp reporting data at Z Energy's request, to change the decimal places in the export file to meet their portal's requirements.


Seed Dressing

Export to Excel option added to Variety Search


Stock Control

The following reports, now include a tickbox to display GST Inclusive figures: Stock Control; Stock Report, Stock Purchase Report & Product Sales Report (this report is also available from Accounts Receivable).

SYN-1029 & POS10_1850


New RD1 icon added to Payment Type setup.



Fixes/Minor Changes


Issue key


Custom field (Solution)


Accounts Payable

Resolved an issue where Suppliers Ledger Report (Summary) would not display all supplier names when exported to CSV. 



Fixed a bug in the Transaction Analysis (Accountant Code) report that misreported figures if you have more than 1 "your code" attached to an "accountants code" and some of the items in "your code" do not have any transactions attached to them


POSLink / PumpLink

Updated routine related to Fuel Discounts, ensuring Fuel Discount products discontinued in back-office are removed from each POS Lane


POSLink / PumpLink

Added code to show invalid fuel discount barcode.


Progressive EDI Addon

Fix applied to incorrect decimal placing in progressive EDI interface export files.





If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact the helpdesk on 09 583 2455 or email [email protected]